Lactobacilli and Bioengineers, a relationship under tension

My last semester as a master student ‘Cellular and Genetic engineering’ has recently started. At this moment of my study, I have had countless lectures about how we scientists can genetically alter micro-organisms to not only study them and try to understand them, but also to implement them in all kinds of sustainable applications. Thus, …

NSURP 2020 #NoLabNoProblem

An often overlooked aspect of this pandemic is the unfortunate loss of unique opportunities for young scientists to cultivate a deeper love for science, develop new skills, connect with (inter)national mentors, grow their professional networks, and open doors to new opportunities. University labs, companies and other institutions normally organize summer projects to enrich young researchers’ …

Diverse inside and out: vaginal microbes differ with ethnicity?

Every time I read about a study on the microbiota composition whether it is from the gut, skin, or vagina, I wonder with which bacteria am I sharing my body. As a Peruvian researcher living in Belgium and now being involved in the Isala project, I also wonder about my vaginal microbiota composition and the ones from women like me: women …

Face masks: always a healthy choice during this COVID-19 pandemic?

Due to the corona pandemic, Belgium went into lockdown starting from the 18th of March 2020. Multiple changes in our day-to-day life had to be made as more and more regulations came into place. Physical distancing and wearing face masks are the ‘new normal’ in our country at the moment. Moreover, face masks are increasingly …

Starting a PhD during lockdown

When you start a new job, you always have the first-day or even first-week jitters. For me, this was not any different. My first workweek was quite unusual as it coincided with the lab retreat. This week was full of meetings, workshops and the ongoing and upcoming research projects were discussed. This retreat was a great opportunity to get to know my colleagues and their research topics. If …

WANTED: 200 vagina’s to write history #LetsSwab

Today, after a year of hard preparational work, we are launching our Isala project!! Yes, in the midst of the corona-storm, because legendary projects require epic times and also because good timing is overrated.   So let me tell you about Isala and how you can really make a difference for your own health and that …